I thought more than twice before naming this page. This is stuff that I do that does not fit into any of the other three headings. Unfortunately, the word ‘literary’ carries a weight that is not entirely justified. It suggests serious, hard literature: War and Peace, Midnight’s Children, The Name of the Rose. I’m in no way suggesting that this stuff is in that league, however, the definition of literary fiction, depending on where you look, is anything that is not genre fiction. Well, like I say, the work on here does not fit in with any easily categorised label so I’ve gone for literary fiction. Give it a go and, if you disagree, give me a gobbing; there’s an email link on here somewhere.
This is the story of Mark (hence the title) and his journey from birth to rebirth. Mark had a hard start to his life and has suffered more than most of us could even imagine. It’s not all been bad though but every time there is light at the end of the tunnel, he is knocked back and unable to see a way forward. We meet Mark at a particularly difficult time in his adult life from which he reflects on his past, present and future, if he has one.
This is a new idea I’m working on based on the old 1966 film, ´Let’s Kill Uncle´.